458 research outputs found

    Spectral variability in transonic discs around black holes

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    Transonic discs with accretion rates relevant to intrinsically bright Galactic X-ray sources (L≈1038L\approx 10^{38}-1039ergs−110^{39} {\rm erg s}^{-1}) exhibit a time dependent cyclic behaviour due to the onset of a thermal instability driven by radiation pressure. In this paper we calculate radiation spectra emitted from thermally-unstable discs to provide detailed theoretical predictions for observationally relevant quantities. The emergent spectrum has been obtained by solving self-consistently the vertical structure and radiative transfer in the disc atmosphere. We focus on four particular stages of the disc evolution, the maximal evacuation stage and three intermediate stages during the replenishment phase. The disc is found to undergo rather dramatic spectral changes during the evolution, emitting mainly in the 1-10 keV band during outburst and in the 0.1-1 keV band off-outburst. Local spectra, although different in shape from a blackbody at the disc effective temperature, may be characterized in terms of a hardening factor ff. We have found that ff is rather constant both in radius and in time, with a typical value ∌1.65\sim 1.65.Comment: 10 pages Latex with 11 ps figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Is the Bursting Radio-source GCRT J1745-3009 a Double Neutron Star Binary ?

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    GCRT J1745-3009 is a peculiar transient radio-source in the direction of the Galactic Center. It was observed to emit a series of ~ 1 Jy bursts at 0.33 GHz, with typical duration ~ 10 min and at apparently regular intervals of ~ 77 min. If the source is indeed at the distance of the Galactic Center as it seems likely, we show that its observational properties are compatible with those expected from a double neutron star binary, similar to the double pulsar system J0737-3039. In the picture we propose the (coherent) radio emission comes from the shock originating in the interaction of the wind of the more energetic pulsar with the magnetosphere of the companion. The observed modulation of the radio signal is the consequence of an eccentric orbit, along which the separation between the two stars varies. This cyclically drives the shock inside the light cylinder radius of the less energetic pulsar.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, comment on geodetic precession adde

    Radiative acceleration and transient, radiation-induced electric fields

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    The radiative acceleration of particles and the electrostatic potential fields that arise in low density plasmas hit by radiation produced by a transient, compact source are investigated. We calculate the dynamical evolution and asymptotic energy of the charged particles accelerated by the photons and the radiation-induced electric double layer in the full relativistic, Klein-Nishina regime. For fluxes in excess of 102710^{27} ergcm−2s−1{\rm erg} {\rm cm}^{-2} {\rm s}^{-1}, the radiative force on a diluted plasma (n\la 10^{11} cm−3^{-3}) is so strong that electrons are accelerated rapidly to relativistic speeds while ions lag behind owing to their larger inertia. The ions are later effectively accelerated by the strong radiation-induced double layer electric field up to Lorentz factors ≈100\approx 100, attainable in the case of negligible Compton drag. The asymptotic energies achieved by both ions and electrons are larger by a factor 2--4 with respect to what one could naively expect assuming that the electron-ion assembly is a rigidly coupled system. The regime we investigate may be relevant within the framework of giant flares from soft gamma-repeaters.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, ApJ, in press (tentatively scheduled for the v. 592, 2003 issue

    Advection-dominated Inflow/Outflows from Evaporating Accretion Disks

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    In this Letter we investigate the properties of advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) fed by the evaporation of a Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk (SSD). In our picture the ADAF fills the central cavity evacuated by the SSD and extends beyond the transition radius into a coronal region. We find that, because of global angular momentum conservation, a significant fraction of the hot gas flows away from the black hole forming a transsonic wind, unless the injection rate depends only weakly on radius (if r2σ˙∝r−Οr^2\dot\sigma\propto r^{-\xi}, Ο<1/2\xi< 1/2). The Bernoulli number of the inflowing gas is negative if the transition radius is â‰Č100\lesssim 100 Schwarzschild radii, so matter falling into the hole is gravitationally bound. The ratio of inflowing to outflowing mass is ≈1/2\approx 1/2, so in these solutions the accretion rate is of the same order as in standard ADAFs and much larger than in advection-dominated inflow/outflow models (ADIOS). The possible relevance of evaporation-fed solutions to accretion flows in black hole X-ray binaries is briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages Latex with 2 ps figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Phosphorus recovery from a pilot-scale grate furnace: influencing factors beyond wet chemical leaching conditions

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    Phosphorus is a non-renewable resource going to exhaustion in the future. Sewage sludge ash is a promising secondary raw material due to its high phosphorus content. In this work, the distribution of 19 elements in bottom and cyclone ashes from pilot-scale grate furnace have been monitored to determine the suitability for the phosphorus acid extraction. Moreover, the influence of some parameters beyond wet chemical leaching conditions were investigated. Experimental results showed that bottom ash presented lower contamination in comparison to cyclone ash and low co-dissolution of heavy metals (especially Cr, Pb and Ni), while high phosphorus extraction efficiencies (76-86%) were achieved. High Al content in the bottom ash (9.4%) negatively affected the phosphorus extraction efficiency as well as loss on ignition, while the particle size reduction was necessary for ensuring a suitable contact surface. The typology of precipitating agents did not strongly affect the phosphorus precipitation, while pH was the key parameter. At pH 3.5-5, phosphorus precipitation efficiencies higher than 90% were achieved, with a mean phosphorus content in the recovered material equal to 16-17%, comparable to commercial fertilizers. Instead, the co-precipitation of Fe and Al had a detrimental effect on the recovered material, indicating the need for additional treatments

    A Note on Bimodal Accretion Disks

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    The existence of bimodal disks is investigated. Following a simple argument based on energetic considerations we show that stationary, bimodal accretion disk models in which a Shakura--Sunyaev disk (SSD) at large radii matches an advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) at smaller radii are never possible using the standard slim disk approach, unless some extra energy flux is present. The same argument, however, predicts the possibility of a transition from an outer Shapiro--Lightman--Eardley (SLE) disk to an ADAF, and from a SLE disk to a SSD. Both types of solutions have been found.Comment: 9 pages including 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Compton Scattering in Static and Moving Media. II. System-Frame Solutions for Spherically Symmetric Flows

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    I study the formation of Comptonization spectra in spherically symmetric, fast moving media in a flat spacetime. I analyze the mathematical character of the moments of the transfer equation in the system-frame and describe a numerical method that provides fast solutions of the time-independent radiative transfer problem that are accurate in both the diffusion and free-streaming regimes. I show that even if the flows are mildly relativistic (V~0.1, where V is the electron bulk velocity in units of the speed of light), terms that are second-order in V alter the emerging spectrum both quantitatively and qualitatively. In particular, terms that are second-order in V produce power-law spectral tails, which are the dominant feature at high energies, and therefore cannot be neglected. I further show that photons from a static source are upscattered by the bulk motion of the medium even if the velocity field does not converge. Finally, I discuss these results in the context of radial accretion onto and outflows from compact objects.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; minor changes, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa
